+Losing You+ (for Ellen)

I wish you could see

How much you mean to me

I almost lost you

And I had no clue

As you were slipping away from me

I couldn’t help

As you were spiralling downwards

I couldn’t help

Tonight I realised

How I feel about you

And I’m sorry I never told you

That I love and miss you too

Without you I’m broken

Without you I’m dead

Without you I’m motionless

With a bullet in my head

I wish you would talk to me

As I’ve been through it all

I’d understand, be there for you

And catch you when you fall

As you lie there, drained

With a drip in your arm

I feel so helpless, so useless

So torn up inside

I’m so angry at myself

And I feel so guilty

As it is my fault that you

Didn’t know that you are the world to me

And now as you lie there tonight

And as I lie here

I realise that I don’t deserve you

And I can’t stop the tears

Darling I need to see you

But I can’t

I need to hug you

But I can’t

I’m sorry for all this

I’m sorry for causing it

I’m sorry for not being able to help

I’m sorry for it all

Hunny, I’m here for you

For now and forever

Sweetie, I miss you so much

And hope we can still be together

I love you so fucking much

You mean the world to me

You are my everything, darling

That I wish you could see.

Losing you Ellen

Would fucking kill me.

Baby, please get better soon. I need you and although I don’t deserve you, you are my fucking everything. I’m so lost and broken without you.

I love you Ellen, I really fucking do.  –xxx- <3

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