There is a thunderstorm in my heart.
It rises and falls like a mid-spring rain
There is no telling when it will pick up or end
No one can help it’s striking pain
Family and friends try to help
But God is the only cure
He is in control of my heart
He decides if it’s completely pure
The storm is hazardous to all who are near
With a striving force it can be fought
With love and compassion it will be healed
There is a thunderstorm in my heart, it can’t be learned or taught
God tells me it will last but a moment
Though it feels like a lifetime away
My mind is racing with lightning crashing
Waiting until the beginning of the new day
With anticipation the storm grows more wild
With self-happiness the storm grows more fierce
With pleasing of others the storm will settle
Trying to decide what to do only brings more tears.
My mind is telling me one thing
My heart is with my family and will always be true
Trying to decide what will calm the storm or make it grow
What am I supposed to do.
I look to the Bible for words of direction
I go to the Father above
Everything helps temporarily
But nothing like His love.
I know He is there always will be
But how can I only depend on him
Instead of thinking things out
I have to go on a whim
Faith is like the storm.
It changes and has a harshness to it
People will down you, make fun of you
Even throw you out to the storm in a cold mud pit