Sometimes I find myself staring out the window into the darkness
Not knowing what path to take or even where it’ll lead me to
But one thing is for certain where I am now
In a place where I can express myself, a place where there’s a friendly face
Being employed in a company where you are considered a person and not an asset
I find myself asking many questions
Sure something’s are a little hazy and some a little unsure
And mostly a little tuff but there’s more to Arivia.Kom that meets the eye
The future like the white stripes on a tar road leading you somewhere unknown
And once more I find myself thinking the same way as in the beginning when we first became the mighty Arivia.Kom:
‘Remember where you are now
Open your eyes and let it all in
Remember where you find yourself
This is where everything begins’
And so too with the Purple Sax comes a mission statement and a motto we should all strive to
“100% Arivian Inside”
This is your time to shine; it’s the life that you’ve chosen
Now believe in it!