What does snow become when it melts?
It becomes spring.
I was like the cold snow and he was my spring.
For the first time in my life I felt like I had been forgiven,
Felt like I had been given a chance at happiness.
I felt like my curse had been lifted.
There was no way I could know my curse had not yet made it's strength known.
I could not foresee how my curse could destroy someone so completely.
My spring soon turned to fall,
Skipping the happy summer altogether.
Then before I knew it winter was again descending,
Freezing my happiness and killing it forever.
For my happiness I just ended up hurting the one I loved,
That was part of my curse
And I could not deal with the consequences.
So I had to erase myself completely from his mind
And with it my happiness was erased with him.
My eternal winter surrounded me