Dont Be Sad

It cant get much more final
I got the word today.
When the Kidney doctor told me
there was'nt much that He could say.

It seems my kidneys have given up
and not filtering the blood at their best.
They are letting bad things circulate
that will stop my heart beating in my chest.

I get bad back aches
and chest pains now and then.
But this just goes with what I have
and I know how its going to end.

My family and friends know about this
everyone of them has been told.
They pray for my body to heal
and they pray for my very soul.

Knowing how your going to go
that your life will soon come to an end.
Gives you time to say your final goodbyes
to your family and your friends....

I have lived a life that I have enjoyed
so when I pass dont feel bad.
Talk of how I loved to hear people laugh
and at my funeral dont be sad...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Death comes to us all but to some sooner than others.I am going to live my life to the fullest right down to the last minute....

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