


I've been digging deep within my soul

Coming closer than before

To what I've been looking for

Blowing off the dust

From long shut doors

Locked long before I knew why they were open

Hoping to hide the pain

Of putting myself completely out there

For a girl who didn't feel the same


And, I spun years away and swore

I'd never let my heart surface again

That I'd be okay and content

If I could gain enough wisdom to keep me occupied

But, somewhere along the way

It hit me like a fist in the eye

That I better let my heart mend


And, it hurt

And, I cried to forgiveness

And, I found in the presence of my soul

That my heart still lived

And, that it can be a light

And, that it must be a light

And, that it will be lit by what it receives

In the forgiveness and love

That lets lost souls be found

And, found souls believe

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