In Ditches And With Dirty Truths

A wealthy town
Roadways and fences
Likes creeks watering cattle
Taillights and lives to prove
Overdrafts from the bank and loan
No one smiles
Nothing’s new
So, I keep driving
Down the spillways
‘Til they take far from you

I’m so sad, I know one thing’s true
That given the chances I’ve been given
I’ll never forget you
Or ever want to

So, down the road
Where the dust settles
Like the moon
In ditches and with dirty truths
I know one thing’s true
I’ll never forget you
And, try my best not to
Let the silence break me
But, don’t you know baby
Even the moon must erode
And, give way to noon

I’m so sad, I know one thing’s true
That given the chances I’ve been given
I’ll never forget you
Or ever want to

So, when I can’t remember
Your brown eyes
Beautiful lies or the flowers I sent you
Your skin or perfume
Know, I’ll always remember
Who you made me
The love you gave
And, how you changed me
And, know I’ll always remember
Writing this for you
Although, to tell the truth

Someday, I may forget for whom this was written 

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