

Strawberry Women and Mercedes Benz

Got a trunk full of letters and a handful of friends

Defining my life under a microscope lens

Will I ever learn to stop questioning everthing I am

Oh, the coyotes are crying

Now that the nighttime moon is full

The hunt is on, and come morning

What's alive will be torn apart and cold

What's life until you appreciate that some day it will go

Flint and stone, now kerosene and a flick of a thumb

Isn't it strange how life gets more complicated as we go

And, how history repeats itself until its cover is blown

And, how life isn't what our parents once knew

I try to concentrate, but the noise is too strong

Too many voices singing out of tune a few too many songs

Too many drums beating out of sequence to tap along to

And, life is just a stampede of people trying to find survival at any cost

Oh, the coyotes are crying

Now that the nighttime moon is full

The hunt is on, and come morning

What's alive will be torn apart and cold

What's life until you appreciate that some day it will go

Oh, child, run away from the light

Run away from the light

Unless you're ready to call it home

Unless you're ready to go

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