You Are A Tumor Under My Skin

2005 - 2006

Being that my hearing’s muffled

I’m unable to hear as you shove it under the rug

In the beds of my fingernails I bleed like a paper cut

A perfect scalpel like slit that numbs the hand

The hand that I felt you completely up with

You’re dead to me now, I’ll leave it at that

Under the scab a scar is impaled

Deep within and soon to be exposed

Unveiled with a total lack of pride

My feelings now are jailed inside of me

This isn’t avoidance in the slightest sense

This scene is one of acceptance towards the pretense you implore

Self-reprimand all you unbecomingly became

This is far past the line to be considered for another’s blame

Or to even to try and reinvent yourself into something else

This is it, the last chance and I’m giving up on you

Wide eyed, you are an inconspicuous speck in my eyes

A far too gone and forgotten relic to by recognized through the disguise

Under the scab a scar is impaled

Deep within and soon to be exposed

Unveiled with a total lack of pride

My feelings now are jailed inside of me

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