My Life Was A Book (Page Ten)

2005 - 2006

If my life was a book, would it sell

Would you read it from chapter one to chapter hell

Would tears from laughter fill your soul

Would you judge me for not being able to let go

Would you judge me solely on my exterior

Page one… I was innocent

Page two… I became experienced

Page three… I grew incredibly numb

Page four… Page five… Page six… and so on

Close the book, now you know what I mean

But did you know you were done after page three

Did you realize how quickly I changed

With a lick and flick of your thumb and the turn of the page

I became estranged from everything previously said

Page one… I was innocent

Page two… I became experienced

Page three… I grew incredibly numb

Page four… Page five… Page six… and so on

Sorry for squandering your time

But couldn’t you tell from the worn covers

Couldn’t you tell by the perfect pages inside

That no one’s ever been inside

So I guess after all is said and done

In page three, where I grew incredibly numb

No one cared to read further

Page seven… the transition phase

Page eight… the escape

Page nine… the break

As for page ten… I’ll get back to you when it’s written

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