
2005 - 2006

Well, to say the least it was strange

The indentation of ground where a heart hit the floor

Canyons of a mistake that were just too much to handle

And in the midst of it all, it bent until it broke

Shook until it shattered into pieces

Now as the story’s told

Not an eye turned

Not a tongue spoke

In the midst of the rage

The ground enveloped the weak

And encaged they lie broken

In sharp contrast, faith’s foundation never fractures

And with it a child’s eyes are lifted above the blind

To a level that is insurmountable to the weak

And unimaginable to those who posses it

But they do not question what they have

For they just believe it

Now as the story’s told

Every eye opened

When one tongue spoke

In the midst of the rage

The people stood amazed

And encaged they stood broken

The sea is a ground that we will never walk upon

Though through Faith we will make it through unharmed

And as the story unfolded

Our eyes were open

Our tongues sang praises

And in the midst of Grace

The ground and sea split

And encaged those who didn’t believe

And in the midst of it all, it bent until it broke

Shook until it shattered the faithless

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