Untitled -- 8.10.2004

My Thoughts

Fuck this world I know

I'm hate all the shit I've done

I've bit down on my tongue so hard

Just to spare the feelings of others

When the whole time it made me sick

To think you didn't even mind, just leave

Just leave before I say something I shouldn't

But there I go again, holding it in for you

So here I try again, cause I'm done with that

Dammit you piss me off

You make me think that all I am is not enough

So here I am to cast away these stones

But then there I go, I realize it's not worth the effort

So I'm gonna walk away, walk myself across this burning bridge

Fall down, drown yourself in this ocean

Sink as far as you dare, just know I won't come looking

Cause I'm done with all that, and I'm so tired of trying

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm really mad!!!!!!!1

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