Once Was In Need

To God

Life has lead to dirty roads

With a concrete past and a bloody nose

The course once lit with yellow bricks

Has spun in circles and nothing fits

Following the path I dared to take

Directions given weren't true but fake

Listening to others and not to my heart

I find myself wandering and lost in the dark

Walking along alone and so scared

Hoping to find someone who just cared

Asking for help but turned was the cheek

Just needing a friend for the weary and weak

Stepping were stones and crawling was me

Flat on my face and begging in need

Pushing forward with little ground behind

Pray for peace for friends I cannot find

Breaking away and hope shining through

Haze drifts away, it was once all I knew

Opening my eyes and blinded no more

Footprints were two by the ocean and shore

Thanks to be given will never repay

The comfort in me while pain slipped away

Walking with feet and not on my knees

Will only bring faith which once was in need

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