Sun went down today like a broken boat
Sinking into the earth like a lead anchor
Letting go of its' soul
Releasing the moon into the cold
Resting from it's labor of hope
Of releasing hope into a world too afraid to feel the warmth
Of unwarpped truth and unadulterated love
And, on the trail of forested lies
Lies the very reason we're afraid of ourselves
And, in this trial we're stuck inside
We find little reason in what wisdom reveals
And, on this very day
And, by our secret intentions
We unintentionally effect how our children will love each other
Our lies have clouded out Heaven
And, we can't outrun the rain
That those clouds are shedding
And, we can't outrun the pain
That our lies have been making
No, we can't outrun the shame
That our quaking knees are so obviously yelling
And, now the sun is rising
And, She is as compassionate as She's ever been
Drying the tears we're all crying
Before the deluge overtakes us and we drown within
The oceans of lies that have become us