Good Weather Of Bad


You know it's perfect

When words are hard to say

And, certainly worth it

Giving your heart away

Chancing breaking it

With every passing day

When each passionate fight

In another chance to walk away

But, oh, how sweet it is

When you decide not to

I could have forgotten you so easily

But, what am I supposed to do now

Recently, I've been living

And, suddenly I'm alive

It takes a lot of learning

Before you see the light

In all its glory burning

In another person's eyes

I would have forgotten you so easily

If it weren't for God not letting me

I take it in for what it's worth

Good weather or bad

There are lessons to be learned

And mountains to overcome

And poor intentions to conquer

And bouts of happiness and saddness

Spinning life like a revolver

And, pulling the trigger when she sees fit

Without explanation or consequence

Or sense of timing or intent

But, God, I love her for her

All in all, for all she is

And, for everything she is not

I am thankful

Oh, God, I am

And, now I'm know it's worth it

Giving my heart away

Cause, if finally feels perfect

Despite these words being hard as Hell to say

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