Alice! Alice! Are you still trying to go to wonder land?
Eating, drinking smoking everything you get in your hand
The door through to your future now you cannot fit
The sign said eat me, so you ate it!
The drink promised you to drown out fear and panic
The smoke promise you dreams far into the cosmic
So in a desperate quest for beautiful gardens of pleasure
you ingest and digest poison like a great epicure of ligature
Think Alice, think fast
Forbidden fruit tis sweet and edible
But its juice has left you unstable
Now you are seeking wisdom from low crawling things
You should be above it all,
but you are either too short or too tall
outcome of efforts too big or too small
the cards are stacked against you Alice
the queen of your heart has you at her mercy in her palace
you must wake up or become a headless victim of her chalice
wonderland is a figment of your dream of a nation, tis evil divination
while there did you ever wonder why all you know seems in turbulent blunder
Alice! stop trying to get there, there no air up there, there is no such wonder
where am I you ponder.
The cards are falling out of place
The heap of bad hands in your face
Can you face the mad hatter
The mad haters
Temperamental not now but later’s
True life segregators
They blew smoke up your nostrils
And sent you so high you chase the white rabbit, chase the white rabbit
Down the can’t grab it hole
A monkey on your back a monster of a habit
You will never find the beautiful garden
You may change seats
But you are still at the same table playing musical chairs
The music ceased the cold water in the tea cup is the sum of your tears
There is no foundation in wonderland
It is an empty place called wonder land not wonderful land
Alice when you come down this time
I wonder where will you land.
Alice, alice !!
Wake up!