Do not Prayer Hate

Do not hate the prayer

hate the slayer

those who prayer hate,

Ultimately segregate

themselves from determinate

victory, hope, and glory gates

prayer haters

not now, but laters

Repudiators of gods sovereignty

Regurgitators of defeat

too lazy, too proud, to repeat

the word

or draw their sword

trusting in their own strength they curd

up like spoiled milk

sour to the power

that could rain down showers

of joyful change

they buck they resist they cower

from the hour of appeal

they allowed the enemy to steal

their weapon of surety

their veil of purity

the prayer room

the birthing room

the dressing room

left powerless

left undressed

now you are pressed

on every side

for you regressed

from that holy place

return to your knees

back on your face

where his voice is clear

and his presence near

do not hate the prayer

hate the slayer.

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