Lord I have made a mess
Of this life you have given me
I have made poor choices
That lead to poverty
I have made hasty decisions
That led to happenstances of disaster
I have been naive about reality
I have been a fool even when I
Could win
So how now do I get out of this cage
I have built for me
And supplied no keys to become free
Shall this my domain forever be
Lord only you can speak a decree
That I be set free
Only you can . . .
Oh what’s that?
you have said, do say, and will say
I am free; I just have to make the choice to believe
Walk in by prayer of faith to go in and retrieve
All treasures the enemy stole when he deceived
Me and moved me from my ordained post
I am not alone but assisted by the Holy Ghost
So I will live again
I will walk talk
Like a new babe again
I will believe
I will retrieve
I will be free again
Say what , that’s not good enough
The faith you gifted
Is not one of delay or sifted
It is now it is upon you
It is over taking you
As you speak it
As you walk it
As you talk it
It is now.
Don’t let the enemy’s ploys
Make you bow
Same old trick same old toy.
Lift up your head wipe your eyes
Get ready for your surprise
No eye hath seen
No ear hath heard
What I put in you is being stirred
Up to the top
For it is time to revamp
To rewind
Surprise, surprise
Look again
You are at a new beginning
Fresh new day
The night has passed away
No more death
No more regret
No more short anxious breaths
Peace and joy shall overflow your being
You will hardly believe what you are seeing
Lift up your head my little child
This was only a test
But it seemed so real
This was only a test
To see of you would choose me’ or your will
But you have chosen to seek me and be still
Therefore your enemies I conquered
Their power I killed
So keep you eyes on the prize
Do not look left to right
But focus your sight
Everything will be more than all right