You were spoken II

You are

and that settles it

like the light that intrudes

to become the day

you are

like the seed that breeds past dearth

to become the laughing willow of earth

you are because

you could be nothing less

you are rich for you came here blessed

like the diamond shining

your brilliance past time-less

you are priceless

you are the one who wears the vest

adding virtue to its insignificant threads

you are because you walked into the room

you are the flower that despite the walls

had to bloom

you are and that settles it

life caught you

and brought you

to this place

life sought you and taught you

to embrace

the issues of its flow

the ember of it’s glow

you are because

life chose you

you are because

life formed you

you are because

he who is

the I am that I am

says you are because

I thought you

You are because

Before the womb or ere the tomb

I knew you

You are because

I spoke you.

I- spoke- you

You are here because

I-want-you-to be

So be you

With no regret

Embrace your self

With respect

Maximize your

Ability and Intellect

Live life to the fullest

Don’t short change or rearrange

What you deserve or expect

It gives me glory oh the more

when you fulfill the purpose

you were created for.

As you be-come who you are

It will settle the choking dust

Of confusions unstable gust

Security will wrap you as a blanket

As the sanctuary of purpose steadies your step

Your destiny is within me

So in me you will find all that you shall be

Without me you are naught

But in me you are bought

Thus you are

For I am

In me you are

And that settles it.

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