Sudden Light


 Roaches scatter at sudden light.

People wear shades when the sun's too bright.

Darkness only relates to the emptiness of night.
Shadows cower, blending into blight.
Keeping their sinister out of sight; never comprehending the light.

Don't be discouraged when others shun you for declaring the truth.

Their eyes will adjust as their hard hearts sleuth.

They may receive the Word with a frown or a smile.

But keep shining boldly with style.

You are only the messenger, so take no offense.

It's time to shake the compromisers off the fence.

Let there be light!!
That's what was first declared.

The echo of this earthquake has rippled through the years;
shattered chains, breaking hard places

and exposing deceitful faces.
Let there be light!!

Until every heart can see the error of their ways,

embracing salvation and victory . . . over the void of light.

They will then see how and what they fight.

They will now know the way and walk aright.

Because someone boldly turned on the light.

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