I thank God for everytime He intercepted my life.

Those times He rerouted pain and strife.

Those times when the enemy had the ball and dominated 'the game.' 

When the clock was running out and I called on God's name. 

The enemy had my situations bouncing all over the place. 

I thought I'd lose it all, until I sought God's face. 

Then God said, 'TURN OVER!' 

and all were shocked and still. 

There was a sudden uproar as things turned to His will.

God put the ball right back in my court. 

The outcome changed. A new to report! 

Turned Over!! 

The price has been paid! 

Turned over! 

I am no longer and afraid! 

Turned Over! 

All that was stolen is repaid.

When God said, "Turn it Over!"

The enemy had to behave.

The Cross, cross-crossed the opposition's strategy.

They no longer have access to play folly with me. 

For I said, "Lord, I TURN OVER 

My life and my will 

I Turn Over humble and still 

I Turn Over the seat of my heart

May I always thirst for you, as-the Hart.


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