A short moment of solitude leaves me praying,
The next minutes of my life drowning in the painful
waters of worry...
Searching for a way to avoid the endless pitiful fall
downward into pain.
The bottomless abyss awaiting me,
After my brief absence while my heart lingered in
a world of tender happiness...
My intellectual mind endeavoring to comprehend
the region of heaven where I have been.
Next to all the worry of the bottom dropping
out, I am left pondering what to do now.
How to carefully act, preserving the perfection
I call completely my own..
Knowing that I have never been so close to
the answer to life.
... My life...
There are so many mistakes to be avoided,
And yet so many more to fatefully make;
How can I ever steer clear of the Hell named Pain?
For every happy moment there is an equal heartbreak;
One all my own... past... future.. present?
I walk along to my own tune never to know,
or realize, my final heartbreak.
The day my blood pumping organ ceases to beat?
Not at all, only the moment I come to recognize
my one true love has gone...
But never will I release my unrelenting grip
on our love,
Holding so tightly to the one thing that may set me free,
Free from the inner struggle to be myself
Amoung a society that wants to twist me and change me;
Mold me into someone I am not.
I pull myself inward to avoid revealing too much,
Not wanting anyone to see inside of my soul,
To the depths where my tears are stored and my heart rests;
Pleading with myself not to give in to the pressure.
I look to the Inspiration to show me the light
That leads me to the Promised Land...
An oasis of hope where I may fly into the wind,
And leave all of my problems grounded and alone.
Then I will fly... I will spread my wings and soar,
Next to my Perfection,
His cradling arms holding me tight,
Assuring me he will never leave my side.
And in this time of peace,
...When the world isn't caught up in the battles of war,
And the destruction of hatred;
When there is no worry of world hunger,
And everyone loves her sister...
In this moment I will let myself go,
And no longer will I be the little girl with so many fears,
No, I will be the young woman with dreams sky high.
I will reach out and everything around me
Will be embraced with a silver lining,
And he will be there awaiting me,
Ready to love me for all of eternity,
And ready to accept everything that I am,
Just the way I am.
And the waters of worry subside,
The tidal waves are no longer my concern.
My moment of solitude is no longer a moment
But a perpetuity... an infinity...
Not about to drift away... but only just begun to exist.