I look at my reflection in the mirror
Those dark brown eyes gazing at what I am afraid of
The honey colored hair blanketing my shoulders
Gently flowing like a river,
The soft lips, and white teeth of this not-so-dazzling epitome,
Pale skinned with freckles, I hate my freckles
Scattered on my face like stars in the sky
But stars are beautiful..
This short, curvy figure staring back at me is not as skinny and tall as I would like her to be
She's not like those girls in the magazines
But she is real, or as close as she can get to reality
She looks at me like I am a new person to her
As if she hasn't ever seen me before,
Why does she see me like this?
I don't understand her
I am no different than I was before I peeked in this mirror
I have not changed, yet she seems to not recognize me
Looking intently at this person before me, I begin to realize that she is not ugly;
Nor is she perfect
She is her own true entity, beautiful, imperfect, and somewhat satisfied with what she now sees
She is me; I am her
She is beautiful,
We are beautiful,
I am beautiful.