You have one for every minute
And it doesn't matter if I need your help,
It's not relevant to you if I need your hand
To pull me away from the darkness that
Reaches maliciously out at me, only
To pull me away from you, and your excuses.
I should be happy, happy that I am going away
Far, far away from all of your futile reasons to shut me out
I should be overjoyed that I wont have to
Attend to them when I am fighting tear drops,
That they won't be there to ruin my pity party
But ultimately I will miss them
I will miss the reason for me to exaggerate my anger
Because you are 'lazy', because you 'don't care'
Because your excuses keep you away from me,
When all I really want is for you to be near me
But I hate your excuses,
I hate how you don't want to have to worry with my problems that you caused, tribulations that you could care less about
Because I am meaningless in your new eyes.
I hate that your renewed life excludes me.
But there is nothing I can do,
You are the master of excuses and I am your subject
You come up with every existing justification for why you can't help me
And use me to observe the results
And when you run out you devise more,
More that hurt my feelings, and reject my soul
This is my new life now,
My new life that I have to live because you originated it
The new life that I live only because you came up with it
Now you come to me
You need my help, you need... you want, my jurisdiction
But I don't need you anymore
I have enforced my outer shell,
The layer that keeps you out and away from my needs and wants
And now as you're crying out to me
Begging and pleading with me to help you
I can not
Fore I have excuses just like yours
And the game begins again.