It's a spring day
Blue skies, with no clouds all around
Green grass popping up from winter's hibernation
A warm breeze blowing my way
Rustling my hair as I sit there on the swing, alone
But it's not a sad alone,
It's a joyful one
I was so bitter, so pained, and felt so put out
But it was time, time for you to change,
Time for me to change
Time for it all to change... for the better
What we had will never leave my mind
Every morning I will still wake up with your name on my tongue
Your voice in my mind, and your touch all over me
And then I will remember that time has changed
We has turned into you and I
And I am ok
I don't have to cry anymore, I don't have to be sad
Because we still have each other, just differently
I can go on about my day, without paining myself over yesterday
Without willing my life to go back to our time
Excluding the rest of my existance and seeing only you
I can still see you, but the rest of the world has come back to me
I am free from my misery, because I am letting myself go
Shedding the exterior that revolves around what I haven't got
And knowing that tomorrow is another day
We may have another future where we embrace each other once again
But for now, we are as we are
And I can accept that
As I sit on my swing with the breeze lightly flowing thru me
On the warm, blue-skied, sunny day
In spring.