Warning: My heart is an open book.
There. I said it. Just so you know,
When you enter into my life,
The second you waltz into the room,
-picking up your hypothetical pencil-
And hold out your welcoming or unfriendly hand
-which-so-ever you may choose to have-
And offer your name into my
Intellectual Address Book
You are beginning a blank page of mystery all of your own;
Meant for you to write on how ever you may choose.
As you work your way through my thick personality
And learn more intensely about the thoughts I ponder
And the ideas I master,
You will notice as you write the story you ve begun
That it does not quite influence my personal being,
But yet takes on a more subtle impact,
Gently swaying my random thoughts, and words I create,
Audible and silenced.
You will notice soon enough that you may veer this tale off
any which way you see fit;
You may decide we were not meant to mingle too close,
Or you might even conclude that a more intimate relationship
Would be reasonable.
Any way you perceive it,
You are twisting and turning a story
With every stroke of your writing utensil,
In the batter you created -to form the first page-
with the first spoken greeting:
Moment by moment,
And day by day,
You embed all things that I must take into consideration,
-in yourself-
Into my Book.
And accordingly I am recording my character into yours.
Soon enough I will see a point in time where I will close the book,
Shortly, to reread all of the messages you have written me, unknowingly.
I will look over every page in my heart,
Perusing it as I do a novel, time and time again,
Only to conclude a decision that I, in all probability, accepted from the start.
Then the story may continue on,
Or it may just fade away.
The choices you make, affecting me,
And the words you say, to me,
Are all part of this book that you are writing everyday.
They bend and change the way I see you,
And they, in the end, will determine, not I,
Whether you are to persist in your penmanship
Or if you are to turn in your pencil for a different
And foreign skill.
Pick up your pencils carefully, fore I cautioned you from the start:
Warning: My heart is an open book.