Disgusting lies buried in the past
And all I can hear is your voice
Repeating them over and over.
I love you, and I care
I promise I'll always be there
And none of them you meant
And that stupid bitch you "love" so much,
How does she compare?
And what does your mind contemplate
When you're alone at night?
I hate her so much,
For all this fucking pain.
For all of the shit
She put me through
And I don't care who's fault it was.
I still live in vain,
Everyday is just dawning for my suicide.
How would the world care?
Who would really care?
If I died he might have "her"
And you might be alone
And I might never have to live through it...
But no matter I can't.
I cannot leave him,
For fear that she will take my place.
All the words dancing across my lips
So easily...
"I don't care" and
"I'm above giving a shit about her"
But I'm not.
I'm a sad creature God created
To feel pain.
And all this pain I feel for him
I am numb to feel for you.
The only pain I have left from you
Is the confusion...
One question you will never answer
You can't.
There is no correct answer because
You did it out of pure cruelty,
And despite my hunger for an answer
It will never be, and I will be left
To contemplate the lies you told me.
So thank you so much, Kevin...
You fucking punk,
I can't believe I ever though I was in "love."