Afternoon back at the pond

There I sit at the top of the biggest hill

looking down on everthing, looking so small.

Listen to the ducks on the pond, little ducklings

following their mother. Watching the deer romp

through the tall grass, little white tails twitching.

Feeling the warmth of the sun above, as I sit

atop the hill. Surrounded by daisy's and tullips.

A sweet smell that makes you warm inside, feeling

like your so secured.

Not a place better to just loose yourself, a place

to think. A place to forget everything.

All you have with you is the warm breeze, the sun,

and nature herself.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

bein bk at my gramps' pond bk in the woods is the most gorgeous and most peacful place you could ever find. It's a place you'd see in a movie...almost so beautiful to even think there's such a place. everyone needs a place like that

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