What's Wrong

What’s Wrong

Feeling bad…

Note: get rid of it…

Happiness within creates…

Outward happiness…

Rid yourself of the mix-match…

So you got attached…

Notice that sign of disrespect…

No matter what form?

It will cause you harm…

Your carpet may not be stained…

By an unconcern mane…

Be plain not insane…

A black-eye…why?

Or a fat lip…not hip…

THE sign has been shown…

Now your carpet he has blown…

Send him on his trip…

For you are God’s shining star…

Lovers or friends of ill will…

The inside of you they kill…

Use God’s freedom horse…

USE your inner voice…

You are the peach of choice…

To keep what’s wrong…

You will never get strong…

You will be in sin….

Again and again…

You are woman…roarrrrrrrrrrr…

Mother roar…

To this world you are queen…

Ladies you give life…

Not once but twice…

Demand to be treated nice…

Or put whoever on ice…

You are the peaches in that can…


The more you are respected…

And loved…

The more your self-esteem…

You hug…

Let no one interrupt your dream…

My queen…

Keep your carpet fresh…

Much company is a mess…

Thinking of that one guess…


The walker must pass your…Test…

Woman…God bless…



Author's Notes/Comments: 

treat her with respect...You live and learn how to respect your woman...sharing that growth

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