Exegesis Of The Fourth Chapter Of Life


I am carving a swath, as I

gambol through the field of my


I am so much more than the programming;

it bows to me because I am like a visiting

king to it.  

Listen!  ..... apoptosis: the programming in

a cell to self destruct!


This is the knowledge that Yama, the god of

Death, gifted to me, for wanting to learn at

his feet:  the simple knowledge of the existence

of the programming, and the commands that



So nowadays, I say to cells, "Stay a while longer

and I'll tell you a story.....your favorite story. In

fact, I'll tell you what happens in the rest of the story!"


Works every time. Overrides the programming.

Sweet baby cells, as happy as infants can be.


[This is from a Chapter called "Leaves a path

of sweetness, as a snail leaves his trail."]


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