but he won't call me back...
Son you did way better than I did the first time I played house (shoved the contents of my bedroom into my Ford Escort and moved to the other side of the beltway). It only lasted 6 months and guess where I ended up... yup, right back @ my folk's house... towing a whole lot more baggage than I left with. Guess where he ended up... yup, right back @ his mom's house... 3 blocks up the hill, take a right, then a left. I avoided the neighborhood Safeway for the entire penance @ my parent's. So son you are doin' great, Grandpa left you a nice place to live... Be Grateful for that at least... there is no blame here, no blame, no blame...
Also there's gonna be assholes comin' around sayin' I-told-ya-so. You will not listen to them. You did more for her than anyone else would (including her large family, who obviously doesn't teach their girls to keep their legs closed... no they teach them to trap a man by getting pregnant except that isn't exactly working out is it now, so guess what guys, it's up to you to keep her legs closed and yours too... please promise me you will)...
Son you rescued a mother & child in need... a mighty Christian act, I might add (but apparently not the right kind of Christian for her). In my eyes J, you are a fucking HERO! Now take a deep breath and go wash the damn dishes! If they need doing then just do them! It doesn't matter who's dishes they are...