Don't tell me any secrets...


I absolutely & for sure will support your every whim & fancy, most likely by helping you with a list of pros & cons - call me Devil's Advocate or I could be a guardian angel in disguise 

But please don't tell me any secrets - I'm not a gossip (truly there is no one here to tell anything to 'cept that cat and believe me it don't hear a word I say) nor would I ever use what you've told me against you (or anyone else) cuz I know how that feels, I'm just one that somehow takes the measure of wit & wisdom available to the psyche in a given moment and blurts the information out without even thinking about it (and most definitely not on purpose) - It's almost as if I'm being used


Author's Notes/Comments: 


yeah, I don't know what's going on here... is it a character sketch or a mission statement... f*** if I know the difference anymore...


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