Thoughts at the forefront of my mind...


even though I wish some of them would go away and never come back and others I wish would come back and never go away... here they are... aka the waiting room outside the door of the Inner Sanctum... my work to do today... subjected to change at any given moment... obviously...


prostrations... frustrations... invocations... praises & damnations... chocolate...


memo to Mad Men... all you're doing is showing me what is on the collective mind that I need to provide mantric fixes and counter-curses for (unless we're buying into the concept of emptiness, in which case nevermind)... except the Mood ads... whatever you put in those totally and completely worked on me...


laundry... dishes... clean bedroom closet... chocolate...


oh look Snatch is on Pluto... all those accents flyin' around... and Brad... this "project" will require my utmost attention... what diamond...

please let RocknRolla be up next...

Revolver... dammit...


I'm pretty sure there are 2 queer men living inside my libido... which would explain some things... but not everything...


in all activities of thought, word & deed - whatever they may be - train in holding no focus (Done!)...

discern between good & evil and carry out various virtuous actions (yeah still working on that one)...

in general, do not judge indulging or abstaining as being either good or evil (yeah mostly down to judging only my own indulgences & abstentions)...

realize that I and all things are like a magical illusion (now that I know that's a good thing... Done!)...


no one can take away what is truly ours, what we have worked hard for and obtained of our own patience, perseverance & fortitude, blood, sweat & tears... so do not give THEM permission by thinking THEY can...  


hey can you give me the definition of "extortion"... 


do not be bamboozled by this tiny shriveled-up form... I have done so many prostrations I can take your head off with a shovel... fair warning...


I'm a grown-ass woman, I do not need your permission to drive... nor do I feel the need to share with you the make & model of the vehicle I drive... and the trick I can do with a shovel, I can also do with my bare hands... fair warning...


sink project (21 gun salute! I actually finished that project!)... chocolate (lots of it! to celebrate the finishing of the sink project! and then naps!)...


holding steady that a person can remain anonymous on all fronts and also be a beneficial member of society...


dear by the people for the people... we have corrupted our purpose... whoever told us that we have a right to tell others what to do, failed us miserably... whoever told us that others have a right to tell us what to do, failed us miserably...


and we've forgotten the true meaning of Protect&Serve Protect&Serve Protect&Serve...


witness that I am standing in front of you... looking you in the eye is all the proof needed that I exist... so do not under any circumstances touch me unless I tell you to... if I begin mumbling incoherently, you should back away immediately... if I stamp my foot on the ground, you have only 1 thought left, best make it a happy one...


and that folks is what's known as "zero tolerance"...


no I will not say that out loud...

I know I promised...

we'll talk about it later...



oh look a 4ft length of newly-shed snakeskin just inside the gate... I'm calling that a good sign...




Author's Notes/Comments: 


D's rosetta stone...

wherever I use "clean" ... replace that with "smoke&think about how best to go about cleaning"...

wherever I use "project"... replace that with "smoke&think about how best to proceed with aforementioned project"

whenever you think I'm thinking about an imaginary authority figure, you should end the sentence with "so fuck you"...

wherever I use "ommanipadmehum"... I'm secretly saying "come to me now Johnny"...

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