Memo to Miguel@Mood

The Dakini Project


Yes, I'd love to write an endorsement for Pluto but first I have to come up with a bit involving an order getting sucked into the cyberspace above my house and receiving a pre-emptive time-travelling phone call from a woman named England (with a semi-Southern accent) in the morning before I needed help placing an order later that afternoon... wait for it... from a phone number with an area code that was the 1st 3 digits of the phone numbers where I grew up and also had the 1st 3 digits 666... surely I don't have to explain the significance of that number to you... 

also need to add a byte about "the survey"... seriously that was a test to see if I could still do math, right...  well jokes on you, I have never been able to do math...

PS... if the order that I re-ordered yesterday had been in my pobox this morning when I went to town, I would most definitely start smoking twice as much...

and one more thing... if you think I could possibly be making any of this up then you are most definitely not smoking enough of your own product...

rsvp... there's that feeling of surrealism again...


Author's Notes/Comments: 


for the record I've cut ties with this weed vendor... but the laugh still plays (for me anyways) so I'm leaving it in;D


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