The Circular File

The Dakini Project


until further notice... 

all of The Dailies should be...

sent over to...

it's says it right here on the bottle...

when in doubt, double the dose...

Dr. Leary says it's ok missus...

glossolalia not willed by the ego...

there's a guy on YouTube who does that...

oh look the Tykes are here...

with the machine elves...

abnormal noises coming from the system...

mouse, touchpad or pointing-stick non-responsive...

cursor movement is erratic...

cannot boot the OS...

realtime clock functionality test...


drive self-test (Long)...

no sound or audio...

hunting cats of the panther-type...

letting the lions do the work...

throwing sticks and stones...

if she goes for it shock her with this...

large herds of ungulate mammals...

you know those things grow in shit...

the lunatic fringe is well represented...

estimated time to complete this test is 60 minutes...

at the premiere...

of Shabby Dress Couture...

of The Lotus Pad...

Everyone & Everybody...

seen dammit spotted besmirched...

viewed witnessed...

beheld wearing a gown of iridescent green 


a fine light cotton rayon silk...

Lenny Bruce pm'd...

drinks at the Algonquin...

on a dark night, on a high dose...

Hunter says he found a portal in your laptop...

he thinks that's where the mice are getting in...

from The House of My Sweet Dakini...

on Dithyrambic Alley...

he bought it from a guy named Snuffleupagus...

danger danger Will Robinson... 

back away from the trigger point...

everyone back away...

he's in Ft. Lauderdale for Lent...

Ms D said you wanted to see The Circular File...

before he sets it on fire...

with an M80...

I don't know what color it is...

she wants more speakers...

bigger louder more...

crash into me baby...

he just posted a clip...

and I come into you...

from his new video...

don't let Johnny see it...

louder louder...

don't let Mayer see it...

somebody call for me...

no Mr O not you...

wait, stay...

oh look a tour bus just pulled up...

oooo that smells nice...

they put your laundry away...

and folded it...

and sprinkled iridescent green fairy powder on it...

origami cranes...

found at the Walmart in Taylor...

wandering the aisles...

looking for Ms D's Enhancement Lotion...

traces of Iridescent Green Fairy Powder...

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