Memo from D to His Ho...

The Dakini Project


Hey DL! saw the dailies, your cameo was great, all the lines were spot on... I know how hard it was for you to say F*CK and sit at a banquet table set with fine china and piled high with meat and drink from the Chalice of the Holy Grail... no it was grape juice... then to be seated next to Russell... you're a real mensch DL! I owe ya 10,000 prostrations! 

At your service in this lifetime & the next;)

   The Pink Dakini

shall I include a bottle of Dakini's Tears with it Mistress... yes Kali... send him a vial from the year I found out he eats meat... and have Hagrid strap it to the neck of the snow lion... Garuda doesn't like the cold up there...   


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