Script edits pg 10,629

The Dakini Project


D - if you want to go to town with me you're going to have to sit in the backseat, no riding shotgun with a shotgun... and you can't take the Smith & Wesson into Walmart either...

HST - but it's the law, I have the right to bear arms, I'm gonna bear arms...

D - look man I'm tryin' to lay low here, doin' the whole hiding-in-plain-sight thing after the business in Belize... 

HST - D you know that ain't my style... 


where is the scriptboy... he went to get your 2am xtra xtra grande mocha latte with 3 shots of espresso & 3 shots of Bailey's... then send Gibbs to Hunter's trailer to verify the make of the gun... Mistress here's your xtra xtra grande mocha latte with 3 shots of espresso & 3 shots of Bailey's and Gibbs is on the phone for you... thank you Scriptboy, now be a good lad and fetch me a thick slice of chocolate cake... talk to me G... he's not in his trailer but there's an empty bottle of absinthe and that same iridescent green... DON'T say it Gibbs... 


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