Casting - Day 229

The Dakini Project


She arrived at the gate looking, for all intents & purposes, quite the part, clad in mangy furs, skull garland around her neck, her hair matted with mud & blood... she swung the khanda over her head with wrathful flourish, "How dare you use that title! What gives you the right to write under that name!"... nonono... CUT... her feet are all wrong... and she's not menacing enough, she needs to have at least two more sets of arms... NEXT... forgive me Mistress but that's my sister... oh my, that does present a problem, and you want her to live or no... well she is my sister... ok but I'm still unclear as to what we want to do with her... live Mistress, if it please you... fine we can cast her as a corpse in the scene at the charnel grounds...


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