Dear Body,


Oh you self-generating piece of organic machinery... I've been warned not to give you too much credence but I feel as if we are old friends, tethered together by whatever force binds (until you start complaining and then we are done)

We've been through alot... I have abused you with food, alcohol, men, pregnancy (pretty much in that order), drugs not so much, not even the kind you're supposed to take (ok there was that short trip with Black Beauties back in '81, sorry about that)... I think we both agree that yoga & ganja (a lil somethin' for you, a lil somethin' for me, huzzah for the 2 ahhhhhs) is our home sweet home

Yes I still demand superhuman feats of strength & endurance far beyond what might be considered cautious (remember that boulder we moved over by the clothesline, I still don't know how you did that) but ain't no other body gonna tell me when I'm too old to climb up on the roof

You've suffered whacks by axe, falls off walls, trips, traps & blunders, cuts, bruises, scrapes, squished digits, near decapitation & almost loss-of-limb (though most Gratefully & Thankfully So no breaks, Hallelujah, Hail Mary Full of Grace and knock on wood) plus countless sprains, pains, gains, drains and other humiliations too numerous to list here (and I promise never to speak of THAT particular opprobrium ever again if you don't), yet somehow, by some miracle, manage to put yourself back together good as new

Corpus Sancti, I bow down to your resilience, your power of  rejuvenation and on more than one occasion regeneration 

May we enjoy many & much moons as a harmonious team - You did hear what I said about complaining, right... not a peep



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