My heart hurts, there is nothing left to bare
If I left from this wretched place would anyone seem to care>?
Happy one day, sad the next
Wow do I ever hate my life and boy is it a mess!
No one can be trusted, I cannot be seen
No one hears me when I scream or shout
I live in a life full of lost hope and total doubt
No one can hear me, no one can see me
I am invisible and everyone looking through they seem to be
Why can’t they see me? Why can’t they hear me?
Hearing my wailing screams coming from deep within?
Seeing the pain from hidden memories from a lost childhood past.
I am invisible and they will never see
All the pain hidden inside and how I really could be.
They will never see this part within my very soul
Why? Why you ask? Answer my questions and I’ll answer yours
Why can’t they see me? Why can’t they hear me?