I Wish

As I look deep within the wishing well,

I wish so many thing, some I shall never tell.

I wish I had my childhood back,

The one that was stolen from me,

The one I shall never have.

I wish I could be braver, so scared of what was to come

I dont want the change to come but for some I do

I want to grow but then I want to go back to what I never knew.

I wish I knew waht will happen after I leave this place

Will they visit me?

Will they miss me?

Will they even recognize my face?

I need to know these things you see

To calm the scared little girl deep down inside of me

She hides in the deep darks shadows of my heart

Trying so desperately to come about

And I , trying with all the strength, not to fall apart.

I wish I could make her hide,

But I do not have the strength to make her abide.

These same wishes

These same questions keep resurfacing to the top layer of my life.

Each passing day I become weaker and weaker

And each passing day the little girl becomes stronger and stronger

I wish I had my childhood back,

I wish I knew what will happen after I leave this place

I wish I could make her hide

I wish I had the strength to keep her from the world

but I no longer have it

With these constant questions

I cannot hide the scared little girl anymore

now the scared little girl is being shown to the world.

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