The Break Up

I cant stop thinking about you

You make me so angry, you make me so blue

I was willing to wait, wait for the readiness of you

you gave up though

you gave up on me

gave up on us like I was nothing

Now I sit here surrounded in a deep dark place

Wondering why you werent willing to put in the work

you said you werent having fun anymire and

I was willing to do more than you

What werent you willing to do?

show that you actually liked me?

we never held hands, we never hugged like normal couples do

we barely talked, we never even had our first kiss

we didnt do anything we were barely together

was just the mention of these things,

saying I was willing to wait for you to be ready,

enough to make you think I wanted more?

More than you were ready for?

Way to make me sound like a kind of whore

I wish we could try us again I really do

I knew from the beginning we would have to take it slow

but I am ok with that I want you to know

I did not mean to scare you

I know to you relationships are new

I am willing to wait.

I am willing to stay.

I am willing to take it at any speed you may,

I wish you knew this but I made you run

I made you think it had to be this way

and that you didnt have a say.

I wish you would have talked to me

this isnt the way it had to be

we could have worked things out

and made it so we were both happy

This is how relationships are

a lot of give and take

a lot of hard work

a lot of back break

a lot more than one might think.

Relationships are not all fun and games like some may think

it is a constant state of compromise and balance

where you take two lives and try to make them into one.

I am willing to give it another try as long as you are too

As long as this time we comunicate better,

talk things through,

that one is a must.

One thing we must do.


I miss you!

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