learning time

It was hard to right stores on difrent language

my teachers try very hard to learn the A,B,C

I sat there and watch ather children  wath they

doing that I can't do

they righting I'am playing with A,B,C 

I asked my solfe when is that day I spoke english

my teacher tryed and now I'am right some lines

and reading the books but not just this my problem

I still need help for my reading and righting

after six mounth my teacher tolled me

Waheed you are trying very hard

but after we learned about maths it was souch croup either

and I was alright on maths tests

me and my teacher was proud of my self

so I still needed to learn english and it was the test

in two free days I feel scared and happy

all night I worked for tests.

it was the teast day and everyone was so happy

about teasts and I was too!

no one gone help you when you working

my hart makes sound "DOCK"DOCK"DOCK!!!

so I done my test and finshedthem in one week

it was fun hard and great

after all I  came in good on this test

my teachers was happy from my work

new year maked me a niw life

my english fnshed maths came now

maths was ease because I'am good on maths tests

so after nine mounth I leaned english and maths

and now I can right poems, songs and stores

thanks for my teachers and my GOD!

waheed your friend



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