alone rap

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Get out, get out from my house.

forgeting every thing and kicked me out.

I wen't out frome your bunsey bloury house.

holding around the track.

stop!stop! I ask to stop, the driver coelled mr crock.

he realy was drety. it smells like a pigy.

and makes me sick.a girl was at the back, it looks like shiny berd.

her face was tiny and small but it didn't seam lonanly.

asking questions from a deagling ping wring.are you realy one sing but I don't thing.

leats go for a driwng meeting and doublingll the thing.

Tellng the wrong story to sport me yeah sport me.

yes you realy do care, I wish you would be my feuter father.

so I would facker every singly work to creact a great life.

  don't lough you not realy funssy. I'm not a noessy like you did in the door way.


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