It's Funny

It's funny how you can know someone so well...

Yet not really know them at all.

I loved him and he loved me

What the hell happened??

It's funny though...

It doesn't really hurt, it's just funny.

Maybe it's the stupidity I feel for believing in us for so     long.

It's over and done with, time to get over it.

Maybe i WAS selfish in trying to repair our friendship

I should've done what YOU wanted and backed off.

You regretted our past, but I don't care

You could never bring me to hate you just can't.

I will never forget what we had.

No matter what you say or do, you will

Remain in my heart, and your soothing words with always calm my soul.

However I will never stoop as low as you and say the hurtful things you said.

Your fallicies are annoying, and i know you too well.

But it's ok, it's all so funny.

Keep trying my friend

It won't work

The good memories stick in my head and no one, not even you can take that away.  

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