
it's drifting further apart

i can’t even reach now

you're making your way out

i’m still trapped inside it all

you don’t need to see me

but i wish i could see now

i wish we could speak

i wish something could be

why must it break apart?

did it ever function to begin with?

why must it be this way?

it wasn’t anything to start off with

you break away, but I can’t escape

you look away, but I’m always there

even after everything, still strangers when we meet

even after everything, it still remains nothing

left with nothing, descending into the negatives

so this is what you’ve done to me, or what I’ve done to myself

i just can’t tell anymore, it’s all so hard to see

the only thing I see is you, but you don’t see me

you never will, it’s never there


just barriers that would never break.

that’s all.

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