
turned backs by everyone

it's ripping me in pieces

leaving me there to rot

nobody ever wants this

maybe i'm not good enough

maybe i'm just nothing

same old yesterdays are spit back out

another boring routine

yet another day in isolation

you're all better off without

never reaching in the box

that i'm eternally closed in

i don't want to forget you

but you've already forgotten me

you didn't want to know me to begin with

just forget this

forget all the times i've spoke to you

forget everything we've never had

know that it's never coming back

you're all just diamonds buried in the sand

that i could never ever have

hundreds of words are better left unspoken

it just doesn't need to be

you don't want to see me

i fall apart without you

but maybe it’s better that way

sinking forever in this repression

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