
I’ve always longed for something more

But how could I ever really believe

That we might be anything but disconnected

You’ve always left me in this same place

Left to my own devices, left to consume all the remains

These days were always wasted

It’s something you need to forget

But I’ll forever remember

I don’t think that this could ever be

Anything more, you’ve all devoured me

There’s something you need to know

But you’ll never hear it from me

There’s place I think we need to go

But you’ll always leave without me

There’s words that never came out, and never will

(A conversation in silence)

Things that never had a chance to become

Hours spent just dying without you

I could never tell you though

I’m so sick of trying

And pretending there could ever be something there

If only I was aware

There was always nothing

Why won’t you reach out to me?

Why does everyone just turn away?

Nobody could ever care for such a joke

(For such filth, for such silence)

You leave me, and here I always remain

To devour what’s left of me

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