gravest one

it's not me, but you can feel it

you can taste it as well as you can know me

splitting at the edges, you can never show me

clouds through empty space, you never see me

clawing at this guise, you can never be me. never.

how would you ever understand?

i grow closer to my enemies and further from my friends

they don't care, maybe just a phase

bowing down before the flags they'll never raise

i think i'm drowning  / i want to know for sure

am i still breathing? / i'll throw away the cure

am i the gravest one?

or do i rest under the gravestone?

will i ever know?

bow down to others before worshipping yourself.

look past these lies before seeing the truth.

look down the barrel before grabbing the gun.

die an old man before keeping your youth.

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