Springtime Showers (Bouts-Rime's)

Random Thoughts

The day brings forth your beautiful eyes

And our love tilled soil for flowers

Radience so bright illuminate the skies

Warm rain becomes soothing in April's showers

To kiss and touch your beautiful lips

An ambient state of everlasting grace

And the secure hold you have on my hips

Will let me fall further to your embrace

And nothing will distract the springtime rain

In this newest day of love

There is no suffering and no pain

On the wings of this untouched dove

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A Bouts-Rime's is a form of poetry when someone creates a list of words that rhyme lines 1+3, 2+4.  The other person then recieves this list, and has to compose a poem using their words as the last word of each line.

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